Monday, February 22, 2010

The Boys are coming home!

The home study was faxed in today at 11:30 our time, 2:30 Ben's time. It took a good 4 hours for everything to get looked over and approved. But finally, around 6:30 PM, I got a text from Ben that said "it is done." So I knew it was time to go ahead and book his flight. He is coming home tomorrow.

They are leaving tomorrow morning at 6 AM eastern and arriving at 11:30 AM in Portland. It is going to be a long trip with the 2 boys. I don't think Droiy knows how to sit still.

Tonight "Papa" and Droiy stayed in the Holiday Inn near the FLL airport. Finally, around 9 PM, Ben got Droiy settled down. He didn't cry about going to bed, because Ben was laying in bed with him. But he just sat up in bed and laughed at Ben. I sang to him over the phone - the only words about sleep I know in Creole right now. Dome and kabann, sleep and ben. So I just kept singing "Dome, Droiy, Dome, Kabann, Droiy, Kabann." The he started signing back to me.

Anyway, they'll be home soon and we will bring Droiy around soon to show him off to all our friends. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

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